Thursday, December 8, 2011

Survivor's Guilt?

Last Friday – December 2nd – was one of my less favorite days in a while. Something happened that hasn't happened, for me, since 1992. My employer had a lay-off, and I wasn't among those laid off. Being laid off is not fun – I have more experience with being laid off than I wish I had. Being one of those retained isn't entirely a bed of roses.

The people who were laid off are people, the ones I knew are good at what they do. I think that's true for most people who are part of any lay-off. They usually are people the company would have preferred to keep, but for whatever made the lay-off necessary. Those just laid off include people I know, people who were friends. They have lives, families, which have now become a chaos of stress and uncertainty.

I'm experiencing certain stresses – changes, concern for my longer term job future, maybe doing a little more, sometimes dealing with different people for things I need. These are small compared with having seeking a job being one's job while being concerned with paying bills and making do with less. I can't call into existence jobs for each of them. But I can – and do – pray for them, that God will provide for them, that God will draw them closer to Him through and during this time (whatever becoming closer to God means for each). If you know anyone similarly situated, please be sure to pray for them.

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