Sunday, January 6, 2013

Man a "Social Animal"

Sometimes I find interesting the "little" things God says, almost slips in at points in the Bible, about humans. "It is not good for man to be alone". It's almost as if God designed us or something. Seriously, it's common to think of this verse in terms of marriage, but God did not limit His comment to marriage. God designed humans to be social in general - spouses, families, friends, communities. Thus the "rugged individual" image of a man or a woman I a bit off center. Individuals are responsible for their actions or lack of action (lack of initiative). But it is a distortion of God's design for a man or woman to isolate themselves from others. In plainer terms, it is unhealthy for a man or woman to so isolate themselves, and that is the fuller meaning of what God said. Maybe, just maybe, the Creator of humans knows something about those He designed!

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