Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Random Thoughts From Deepest Wettest Oregon

Woke up this morning to rain - the first in three days. We are staying with friends about half an hour east of Portland. When I walked out to the kitchen and looked out the window of the back door I found myself staring at a doe who was staring at me. I stayed still for a minute of her watching me to see if I was a danger and then she went back to her breakfast from our friends' landscaping.

I'm down about 30 pounds from what I was back in February, including the effects of going off a diuretic I was taking for blood pressure control. I've had to be careful, but by being choosy - no fries, no soda, moderate-sized items, no fatty sauces, minimal cheese (I don't like the American cheese fast food places use, anyway) - and getting some exercise, I think I'll do OK. Hopefully, when we get back I'll be under 280 lbs. for the first time in I hate to guess how long.

We took my daughter back to her Youth With A Mission base in Salem yesterday, where she is on staff. She didn't have to be back till today, but when we got there it was less than 10 minutes before some one asked her if she could join in something in about half an hour. While we were moving her stuff into her quarters, it was interesting to see/hear her "talking shop" with a couple other staff ladies. Being a missionary truly is her adult calling/"career" and those ladies spoke with her as a peer. If she reads this, her first thought might be, "Well, of course they did." But for me it's one thing to know all this, but it's something more to see it.

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