Saturday, June 16, 2012

But It Hurts!

Better theologians and philosophers than I (not exactly a high standard for comparison!) have addressed the "Problem of Pain". I'm not about to try to offer great new insight into that question. Adam acted for all mankind in rejecting God. That is our inheritance from him. His sin changed humanity, and changed the world in which we live. "Man's inhumanity to man," is just that, humans being what they are and as bad as they decide to be. Similarly, "natural disasters" are the natural result of man's rejection of God's lordship of creation, not "acts of God".
God has "honored" man's rejection of God. He does not force Himself on us or micromanage the world, but God has not given up on working in creation. Man brought pain into this world - death, sickness, cruelty, disasters. God uses these various sorts of pain. Our pain breaks through our self-deluded, prideful, self-sufficiency. If we listen, well, pain drives us to seek and trust in the One Who actually is sufficient. Further, and better, our suffering, endured and learned from, makes us able to bring comfort and wisdom to others going through the same pains. Jesus redeemed us from eternal death with His death on the cross. In His working in our lives, He redeems our pains.

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