Sunday, May 20, 2012

Creatures "Owning" Something Created?

Can a human, a creature, really own some other created thing? I don't mean in the sense of human governments and laws. I mean an intrinsic, durable ownership. The stuff we usually think we own can rot, can be taken from us, can be made obsolete, can be spoiled, ruined or destroyed. Or we might die, and our stuff continues on in space and time. Further, how can we be sure we are not the ones who are, in fact, owned by "our" stuff? In all these exigencies, what happened to our being the ones who own things? To truly own something, mustn't the owner be something qualitatively greater, something that transcends, that which is owned? We humans are made of the same stuff, subject to the same physical laws, as the things we like to think we own. What human being, then, really owns anything?
There is One, of course, Who is greater than us and the things around us, Who made us and all things. He is the One Who can truly own ... without being owned ... neither spoiling nor spoiled.

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